"Khovanshchina", despite its reputation as an extremely complex and lengthy work with a fractional composition, and unfinished by Mussorgsky, has a happy stage fate and attracts star performers. This time, the Bolshoi Theatre Symphony Orchestra is conducted by maestro Valery Gergiev.
PRINCE IVAN KHOVANSKY, сommander of the Streltsy
Stage Director
Leonid Baratov
Set and Costume Designer
Fyodor Fedorovskiy
New Stage Version (2000)
Yuriy Aleksandrov
Lighting designer
Vladimir Lukasevich
Yuriy Laptev
Sets and costumes provided by the Mariinsky Theatre
Renewed version – May 1, 2000.
Musorgsky himself defined the genre of his grandiose historical work as a folk musical drama. The theme of "ill-fated sufferer Rus'" runs through the opera like a red thread: in an era of turmoil and change, the Russian people find themselves torn apart by the need to choose their path, a dispute about the old and the new, and any outcome turns out to be fatal.
Red Square in Moscow. Dawn. The boyar Shaklovity – a protégé of Tsarevna Sofia – is dictating an anonymous letter to Peter I in which he denounces the commander of the Streltsy (a privileged military corps instituted by Ivan the Terrible) Ivan Khovansky for planning to place this son on the throne and re-establish the old order in Russia. At the same time, the Streltsy sentries praise themselves for their recent victory over the loathsome boyars. In memory of these bloody events a column was erected on the square onto which the names of the executed are carved. People arrive and halt at the column. They make the Scrivener read out the words to them. In gloomy contemplation they are struck down by the thought of sedition and the Streltsy’s abuse. To welcoming cries from the Streltsy Prince Ivan Khovansky appears. He is followed by his son Andrei who is stalking Emma, a girl from the German Quarter. With promises or threats, Andrei is determined to win Emma’s reciprocation. Marfa, Andrei’s former lover, comes to Emma’s defense. Returning, Ivan Khovansky witnesses this scene. He himself has taken a fancy to Emma, but Andrei is ready to kill her rather than let his father have her. The knife held over the girl is imperiously fended off by Dosifey, the leader of the Old Believers.
The study of Prince Vasily Golitsin, the favourite of Tsarevna Sofia. The Prince is immersed in gloomy thoughts and haunted by a fear of the future. The pastor from the German Quarter comes to him with a complaint about the Khovanskys’ abuse of power, but the Prince does not wish to hear him. Marfa comes into the chamber through a secret door. Under the guise of a fortune-teller, Marfa predicts the Prince will fall into disgrace. Superstitious Golitsin is annoyed. In order to keep the prophesy a secret he orders a servant to kill the fortune-teller, but Marfa manages to conceal herself.
At Golitsin’s house the opponents of Peter I have assembled. Golitsin and Khovansky’s secret rivalry, hate and mutual fear develop into a quarrel which is terminated by Dosifey. He orders them to control their arrogant pride and think of the salvation of Russia. Perturbed, Marfa runs in. She tells of the attempt on her life and her miraculous salvation thanks to the soldiers of the young Tsar Peter. The conspirators hear this name in fear. But there is yet more disturbing news, brought to them by Shaklovity: the Tsar has learned of the plot, branded it ‘Khovanshchina’ and decreed that it be stopped.
Marfa has come to the Khovanskys’ house not far from the River Moskva. She is devastated by Prince Andrei’s betrayal. Comforting her, Dosifey takes her away with him. Waking up, the drunken Streltsy give free reign to riotous and reckless merriment. It is interrupted by the Scrivener who is frightened to death. A disaster has occurred: mercilessly killing the residents of the Streltsy Quarter, Peter’s army is advancing. The Streltsy are stunned. They ask Ivan Khovansky to lead the troops to the battle. Fearing Peter, however, the Prince orders the Streltsy to submit and go home.
Scene 1
Golitsin’s servant warns Ivan Khovansky, who has taken refuge at his estate near Moscow, that his life is in danger. Khovansky explodes in fury – who would dare defy him in his own lands? Shaklovity arrives with an invitation from Tsarevna Sofia to a secret rendezvous. Khovansky orders his court robes be put on. But as soon as the Prince leaves the chamber, Shaklovity’s mercenary stabs him with a dagger.
Scene 2
Punishment awaits the other conspirators, too: Prince Golitsin is sent into exile under escort and guards are given the order to surround the Old Believers’ hermitage. Andrei Khovansky alone knows nothing of the plot’s failure. He does not believe Marfa who tells him about the murder of his father, and in vain blows into a horn, calling his regiment. However, when he sees the Streltsy being led to execution, Andrei understands that the game is over and in terror asks Marfa to save him. The Streltsy are already bowing their heads on the executioner’s blocks, but at the very last minute the boyar Streshnev, sent by Tsar Peter, declares a decree of royal pardon.
A clearing deep in the forest. Alone, Dosifey laments. He admits the Old Believers are doomed. Filled with spirited determination, he turns to his brethren and calls on them to burn in fire in the name of Holy Faith. The sounds of trumpets can be heard from the forest. The Old Believers enter the building with a prayer and set themselves on fire. Andrei burns with them, too, drawn into the flames by Marfa who had dreamt of being united with her beloved in death.
4 hours 45 minutes, with two intervals